How to make 2023 the best year in your community scheme

03 February 2023 | Zerlinda van der Merwe

Has enough time passed that we can now stop saying "compliments of the season"? My opinion, is that when the first of February rolls around, we can pretty much say we're in it to win it! So, on that note, let's look at turning all those community scheme related new year’s resolutions into action items, and get them crossed off our to-do lists, with the help of various colleagues in the industry!

I was once a trustee in a body corporate, where the chairperson, who was an owner, told us, as her fellow trustees, that she was on leave (from work) and unavailable to meet or deal with the business of the body corporate for X period of time. I remember thinking how strange that was, because as a trustee, you are never on leave! Thinking about it now, it would have been a great opportunity for an alternate trustee to have stepped in to ensure that the trustee meetings could be quorate, and that the affairs of the body corporate could be fully managed during that trustee's absence. An idea for your term of office as a trustee for 2023 perhaps?

Reading through a list of new year’s resolutions I recently Googled. I had to laugh when I saw the idea of staying off your emails for a full day! I don't think that the writer meant weekends and public holidays... Imagine that in this industry! As managing agents and related service providers, we are always on our emails, or needing to make ourselves available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As trustees, this may ring true as well, but it shouldn't have to be the case. As trustees, think about setting up a generic email address for your scheme, such as, and ensure that there is someone frequently monitoring this inbox, and preventing duplicates if you have allocated portfolios. As a managing agent, at the start of a fresh year, remind trustees and owners of relevant contact persons and processes within your office, such as levy or maintenance queries, insurance claims etc., in order to minimise the number of emails you get directly. 

We're always promoting education (NAMA Nuts and Bolts), and love attending new seminars, webinars, courses and other events. Some members of our team recently supported a good cause and ordered a digital planner, to keep track of all the events we would like to attend and participate in. Click here to see the planners we have. It's going to be a busy first quarter that's for sure! Be sure to plan your availability for these types of events in advance to ensure that you don't miss out. Although, if you have fully crossed over to the digital age, Our Neighbourhood will launch early this year, and will have an online calendar providing the relevant information on all the latest community scheme events.

Needing assistance in ensuring that you are managing your scheme properly, why not look at appointing a managing agent, or perhaps an executive managing agent (ZDFin) or a professional trustee (contact us at TVDM Consultants | Doing it all in-house, or need to update your systems, take a look at automating the administration of your scheme, here are two options that could come in handy (BCMTrac and WeconnectU). 

I mentioned trustee committee portfolios earlier, make sure that when you nominate and elect trustees, that you consider what your scheme requires during that forthcoming year. 

Out with the old, in with the new they always say at the start of each year. Make sure that your scheme's management and conduct rules, constitution or memorandum of incorporation are up to date, and in line, where necessary, with what the Community Schemes Ombud Service requires, and importantly, with what is necessary for your scheme, and if you are unsure, contact us for assistance. The same applies to sectional plans (Multiprof), maintenance, repair and replacement plans and valuations (Mirfin), insurance (Addsure) and audits (PKF Octagon).

Make sure that you get the correct advice relating to the physical maintenance and upkeep of your scheme's infrastructure (NABA), fittings (Waterlite) and are planning for real needs for the problems of today (Maxlite). Be sure not to be left in the dark by putting policies, procedures and checklists (Stratafin) in place to ensure that members keep up to date with contributions levied, special levies, interest and other charges, while your scheme remains compliant. 

Join community platforms on Facebook such as Sectional Title Living in SA, and if you’re a managing agent, the Portfolio Managers Support Group will stand you in good stead, become a neighbour in Our Neighbourhood, as soon as it launches, and participate in various conversations relating to community schemes. If you don't want to actively participate, at least read, read, read the information that is out there, for free. Another new year’s resolution that I often see, is read more, so why not get yourself a copy of Keyword Access to the Sectional Title Legislation, Demystifying Sectional Title, Sectional Title Scheme Reference Guides and the Paddocks publications.

Plan properly for your upcoming Annual General Meeting and make sure that they are run smoothly. The time of simply making a plan on the night (or preferably day) of the meeting is no longer acceptable, as there are fabulous platforms (Meetingpal) available to make running a meeting a walk along the common property. 

Wow, time for another holiday I think! No! It's not that bad, 1 step at a time, and remember another important new year’s resolution, be kinder. It helps.

If you need help with any of the above this year, then please contact us at TVDM Consultants on or 061 536 3138.

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